

The story begins in 1984, when Stavros Tsiknakis, the founder of the company, together with his wife Maria and their four children, opened a small bakery in the village of Petrokefali, Crete, where he produced traditional bread and handmade rusks. The two sons of the family, Manolis and Charidimos, grew up working alongside with their parents, specializing in bakery. As they were the owners of the only bakery in the area, they began to distribute their products to the surrounding villages.


In 1991, the premises of our then small local business were transferred to new privately-owned premises, with the company getting its first production line with brand new machinery, thus marking the dawn of a new era, since until then the production had been exclusively manual.

"Tsiknakis" rusk and bread started to forge a solid reputation beyond the borders of Crete, thus making steady progress towards the setting up of a nationwide distribution network of its products.

Besides the Greek market, the products successfully began to enter international markets and, so, Tsiknakis brothers started to broaden their horizons.


In September 2008, the company moved to its current facilities and since then, it has managed to expand and constantly be at the cutting edge of the market developments by investing both in technological equipment and in its human resources.

Up to the present day, “STAVROS TSIKNAKIS & SONS” General Industrial Partnership (ΟΒΕΕ) is run by the sons of its founder, Manolis and Charidimos, whose ultimate goal is to retain the company active and vibrant, financially sound, steadily developing, innovative and constantly in attendance of the market developments, by keeping its core values, tradition, human factor, and respect to co-workers and customers, alive.

Our dietetic elixirs for well-being and longevity, made on Crete with respect to tradition.